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money rates中文是什么意思

用"money rates"造句"money rates"怎么读"money rates" in a sentence


  • 利息。
  • "money"中文翻译    n. 1.货币;钱,金钱。 2.财产,财富,财力。 3. ...
  • "rate"中文翻译    vt.,vi. 〔方言〕=ret.
  • "easing of money rates" 中文翻译 :    金融市场松动
  • "be on the rates" 中文翻译 :    领取公共救济金
  • "rates" 中文翻译 :    地方税; 地税; 定价; 房价计划代码; 房价设置; 价目表; 拉泰什; 拉特斯; 收费率; 业主因差饷增加或开征须向租客发出的加租通知书; 邮资
  • "at the money" 中文翻译 :    平价期权; 平值期权; 照所付的代价
  • "for money" 中文翻译 :    现款交易
  • "for the money" 中文翻译 :    都是钞票惹的祸; 利欲两心; 钱太多; 照所付的代价
  • "in the money" 中文翻译 :    沽盈价; 获前三名; 价内期权; 较现值有利; 期权的实利; 正在赚钱;当时有利价;资金充裕; 资金充裕
  • "in-the-money" 中文翻译 :    价内(期权)来源:考试大; 价内(期权)来源:考试学习网; 价内期权,也叫实值期权; 已到价合约; 有利价值,内在价值; 有内在价值的期权
  • "is money" 中文翻译 :    时间就是金钱time
  • "money" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.货币;钱,金钱。 2.财产,财富,财力。 3.〔主 pl.〕 (特种)货币;通货;〔pl.〕〔古语〕【法律】金额〔常用 monies 这一特殊复数写法〕。 4.【经济学】交换媒介物,货物货币。 5.大富翁;金融集团。 6.(优胜)奖金。 fairy money (终要变成树叶的)魔钱;拾得的钱。 paper money 纸币。 ready money现金。 soft money 〔美口〕纸币。 hard money硬币。 small money零钱。 What's the money ? 要多少钱? 价钱是多少? Those with money should contribute money. 有钱出钱。 There is money in it. 可以赚钱,有利可图。 at the money = for the money. be in the money 〔俚语〕有钱,富裕;(在赛狗、赛马中)得奖,赌胜,赢。 be made of money 钱多得不得了。 cheap at the money 价钱便宜。 coin money 〔口语〕大赚其钱,暴发。 covered money〔美国〕国库存款。 everybody's [everyman's] money 〔口语〕人人欢迎的东西 (He's not everybody's money. 他不是人人都欢迎的人)。 for love or money 无论怎样都。 for money 为钱;【商业】直接[现款]交易。 for my money 〔口语〕在我看来;正合我意 (He is the man for my money. 他是合我心意的人)。 for the money 照所付的代价。 get one's money's worth (钱花得)合算,值得;无损失。 in the money = be in the money. keep in money 借给钱,垫钱。 lose money 亏本 (over)。 make money 赚钱,发财 〔cf. money-making〕。 make money(out) of 用…赚钱。 money crops 专供销售的农作物。 money down 现金,现款。 money for jam 〔英俚〕容易赚的钱。 M- makes the mare (to) go. 〔谚语〕有钱能使鬼推磨;金钱万能。 money market 金融市场。 money of account 记账货币〔如美国的 mill, 英国的 guinea〕。 money on [at] call = call-money 随时可以收回的借款。 money on the line 【美拳】当天卖票收入。 money out of hand = money down. M- talks. 〔美国〕金钱万能。 on the money 〔美俚〕在最适当的时间[地点]。 out of money 拮据;吃亏 (by)。 out of the money 〔美国〕赛马输掉。 raise money on 以…抵押筹措款项。 sink money 浪费金钱。 throw good money after bad 一再吃亏。
  • "no money" 中文翻译 :    复读软件; 没有钱
  • "on money" 中文翻译 :    金钱问题
  • "t-money" 中文翻译 :    交通卡
  • "that’s money" 中文翻译 :    越轨行动
  • "the money" 中文翻译 :    长财布
  • "there is money in it" 中文翻译 :    可以从中赚钱, 有利可图
  • "there is money in that" 中文翻译 :    可以从中赚钱, 有利可图
  • "there is money in this" 中文翻译 :    可以从中赚钱, 有利可图
  • "money money" 中文翻译 :    捡钱游戏; 旁门左道; 钱钱钱
  • "money,money" 中文翻译 :    刮龙世界
  • "money money money" 中文翻译 :    钱钱钱
  • "money,money money" 中文翻译 :    钱钱钱
  • "acceleration in the rates" 中文翻译 :    速度加快


  • Tmr true money rate
  • True money rate tmr
  • Part four demonstrates the marketizing money rate should be carried out at the same pace along with the reforming adjustment - control means and supervision system
  • This thesis is divided into six parts , which approaches the imminence , conditions and steps of china ' s reforming its money rate mechanism being strongly pounded by wto
  • 2 years period time deposit , after passing more than one year , want to put forward , money rate is how to be calculated , calculate by current , is what still press a year fixed calculate
  • It will involve a wide range as well as it will face to the moral risk of the commercial banks after setting money rate free , and it may do harm to the motion of the whole market
  • All of these demands that the forming mechanism of money rate should marketize . part two demonstrates the reform of marketizing money rate ca n ' t go ahead single - handed
  • The reform of marketizing money rate also requires to reform and adjust the range , ways and means of financial supervision at the same pace . part five discusses the means to carry marketizing money rate forward gradually
  • The basic of bringing the money rate in the market into play is that the action of the commercial banks has to reflect the scale and composition of the currency supply in the market through high or low rate of deposit - loan
  • Part one expounds and proves that china ' s joining in wto will speed up the reform of its marketizing money rate . the existing formed mechanism of money rate has to be reformed in view of its losing efficacy and restraining economic development
    我国即将加入wto ,这标志着中国经济融入整个世界经济的进程加快,也预示着wto的各项规则将对我国经济运行的各个领域带来前所未有的冲击,对非市场化利率形成机制将形成更大的冲击。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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